More Stuff…

I have added a new heading to the main menu called “Gallery” which contains some imaging I did with my 280mm SCT as per a commentor’s request. (Thank’s Doug!) Sadly, I trashed the comments in the process of uploading the new stuff. I still haven’t figured this blog thing out yet!

I also redid some parts of the “Ideal” Astrograph baffle analysis to improve the cutoff around the lens cell and lens cell mount. The design is now complete, or at least that is what I am telling myself.

I have completed the first fixture for the fabrication process today. It’s a jig for drilling the mounting holes for the lens cell mount, the baffles and the dew hood mount ring. I made it out of a scrap piece of phenolic I had laying around. I haven’t done much machine work for the past year so it was quite satisfying to get back into the groove. And despite my newly acquired clumsiness I didn’t drop too many things, only broke a couple of bits and the part seems to have turned out okay. I am relearning how to work in the shop.

I will be putting up more details on the design of the Astrograph OTA and construction details soon.

Stay tuned!

